An unprecedented superprize in the history of the Rapido Lottery has been raffled off

4 April 2019

Great news! An unprecedented superprize in the history of the Rapido Lottery — 21,275,597 rubles — was raffled off on March 18. Luck came with a multiple bet for advance play. The participant from Moscow had bought the ticket through the mobile app for 6,000 rubles. Due to the multiple bet, the total prize grew to reach 21,725,597 rubles.

Congratulations to the winner — come to the Stoloto Lottery Center to get your prize: 43 bld. 3 Volgogradsky Prospekt, Moscow. The location map is available on our website. Please, check the time of your visit and all the required documents by phoning: +7 499 270-27-27.

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