Lottery «Zodiac»: get acquainted with new product

3 December 2018

Choose your lucky day. Today the tickets of new Zodiac lottery hit the market. To participate in the draw, choose any date: day, month, year and one of 12 signs of Zodiac.

Grand prize — million!

Characteristics of lottery:

— Guaranteed super prize — 1,000,000 rubles.
— Ticket price — from 50 rubles.
— Wins — even for one guessed number.
— Super prize — for 4 guessed numbers.
— The first drawing is October 22, at 23:30 (Moscow Time).

Information about the lottery.

Everyone has his lucky day. Choose yours!

Tickets for the first drawing are on sale till 23:30 (Moscow Time) of Monday, October 22.

Interesting facts about dates.

Numerologists believe that the happiest numbers are 7 and 8.

Astrologers believe that the most fortunate sign of the zodiac is Taurus.

Forbes researchers say that the sign of Russian billionaires is Scorpio (Roman Abramovich, 10.24.66). In the western world, the richest people are more common among Virgins (Warren Buffet, 30.08.30).

According to historians, many politicians hid the date of birth — a famous example: Stalin. Conspiracy theorists say that the date 07.10.52 is also fictional and does not correspond to the date of birth of a big politician.

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