Two prizes and a jackpot drawn in Gosloto «5 out of 36» during this weekend’s public holidays

26 February 2018

New millionaires to receive more than 40 million rubles

Devotees of Gosloto «5 out of 36» had a real stroke of luck at the weekend: on Saturday, a prize was drawn, and on Sunday — a prize and a jackpot. If we add up all three prizes, we get a total of 40,345,618 rubles. What strategies led to such results? Here are the details, specially for you.

Advance play is the strategy of patient people

What could be easier, you may think? You buy a ticket for several draws and then go to work, celebrate a holiday or just have a rest. Then you get an SMS saying you’ve won: «OK, I’ll check my ticket later». On Monday, you come to work and your working mood disappears: «I can’t believe it! I’ve won a prize in Gosloto «5 out of 36». Maybe that is exactly what happened to the winner of draw No. 8060 from Moscow. He bought his ticket for 10 draws for 800 rubles at He guessed 5 numbers in the first field correctly. The total winnings were 9,076,140 rubles.

Multiple bet landed both the prize and the jackpot

The second big prize of the holiday weekend went to the winner of draw No. 8066. A resident of Krasnodar made a multiple bet that cost 320 rubles using the mobile version of the website: 5 numbers in the first field and 4 in the second. As a result, he guessed the lucky numbers in this draw in both fields and won not just a jackpot of 29,976,460 rubles, but also a prize of 1,293,018 rubles. The total amount of his winnings was 31,269,478 rubles.

Dear winners, congratulations! Come and receive your winnings and share your feelings at the Stoloto Lottery Center at: 43 Volgogradsky prospekt, build. 3.

The jackpot of Gosloto «5 out of 36» is more than 3 million rubles

In Gosloto «5 out of 36», there’s always a chance to buy a ticket. Whatever strategy you choose, we wish you the best of luck!

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